Sunday, 27 March 2011

Chesterton Progress

This past week has just flown by!  I only completed half of last weeks goals but I was also busy revising for my exam which is on Tuesday (scream!).  Then disaster struck yesterday and mid revision I get a migraine -  it normally takes me a couple of weeks to recover.......however, I'm feeling much better today, which I'm hoping means the preventative medication I've been put on is helping reduce the ferocity of the awful things!  Anyway, I've managed a small amount on Chesterton this week.......

I've made a start on knitting the cowboy as knitting is less stressful on my eyes than stitching. 

My goals for this week are :
  1. To finish the cowboy
  2. To finish the easter chicks and eggs (didn't finish this last week)
  3. Carry on with Chesterton.
Thanks for reading - happy crafting



  1. Can't wait to see the Cowboy :-)

  2. Only got belt and gun to knit now I think, then sew him up - all being well will be finished this week : )

  3. Glad to hear your migraine is better. Hope it won't come around again. Good luck with the exam tomorrow.

    Great start on Chesterton. :)

  4. Thanks for the good luck wish Joysze - I needed it! I'm really loving Chesterton and can't wait to get back to stitching him : )


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